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ERIC wishes.

everyday is christmas
so I have presents everyday.
everyday is my birthday
so I can have wishes everyday.

chat here.

my friends.
my cell group
jiahui ng
li ping

Designer Basecodes

November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009

love everyone!

Thursday, May 14, 2009!
HandWritten on; 6:19 AM

1st Day: I discovered Rihanna is hot!

2nd Day: All phone numbers start with 9.

3rd Day: There's 63 fibreglass companies in Singapore

4th Day: Restaurant City is fun!

5th Day: Girls like to look at girls

6th Day: There’s private sale at Isetan and Robinson

7th Day: If you feel painful on you hand and you cant locate the wounds, its called a papercut

Thursday, May 7, 2009!
HandWritten on; 6:36 AM

Who says my blog is dead? Its back alive again. Hahaz. Yeah actually been quite lazy to update my blog. Alright been more than one month since I last update. Time flies... I've been at work for the last 4 days already. Work is so tiring. Like my previous internship at YMCA, work life is so tiring. I think smu life is 10 times more xiong than life before SMU. Work life is 10 times more xiong than SMU life. Really hope I don't burn out at work.

Here's why: By spending 9 hours at work plus 2 hours of travelling and preparation time, I'll spend almost all my time that I'm "awake" dealing with work. Life everyday feels like I'm playing time crisis. So many tasks to do (targets to shoot) with a very limited time. Everyday I feel like getting myself out of this "game" but I cant. Guess I need to hang on and depend on my Source of strength and continue shooting all the targets so I can to get myself to the next stage. Though I never completed time crisis, I'll complete life a winner! Wahahahaha!

Internship's been quite slack. Basically need to call companies to ask if my company could organise financial seminars for them. Treat me like a telemarketer. Haiz..... Hope that I would learn something substantial during my internship.

Swine flu and me

The irony of swine flu: Creates and destroy jobs
Just yesterday alone I heard of a friend being offered a job as temperature taker and another friend got his internship cancelled as due to swine flu, the company needs to be restructured. I'm like????

My job is to get companies to allow my company to give seminars there. Because of swine flu, companies reject me on basis that they discourage visitors into their premises for the time being.

If swine flu breaks out in Singapore, public transport frequency would be cut down by 30%. As buses and mrt needs to be cleansed more frequently. Imagine how hard would it be to get into a bus or mrt during peak hours. If you need to reach office at 9am and takes public transport that need to transfer via bus or mrt like me, you might need to wake up 1 hour earlier to reach the same time.

Not only u need to come out earlier to take bus. Going into any crowded place would take longer. You will face long queues when going into cinemas or exhibitions. Not because of buying tickets but to take your temperature. Perhaps you might see a familiar friend working part time as temperature taker in the midst of all the people and he's the only happy one.

Right here in Singapore thousand of miles away from the epicentre of the virus we can feel massive shockwaves already. Really pray that we have already past the worst point of this episode.

Alright hope you have a great day ahead!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009!
HandWritten on; 6:47 PM

Got an sms from jireh (my P6 Cell Group Member) promptly send it out to my friends. I was surprised by the number of people that got April Fooled. Guess alot of us are too busy that we are too busy we do not have time to scroll down to the end of our sms.

Alright here's the sms:

Hi, free this sat to do a job? Pay $150 for a day just to wave, clap hands and take photo with people.

Cos Chimpanzee is on leave this sat. April Fool :)

Lesson learned: Check with Singapore Zoo before you report to work on saturday.

Monday, March 30, 2009!
HandWritten on; 7:21 AM

Just a random post on the definition of Love from the bible. Guess it applies to the way we treat our friends, parents and love ones. Do you treat them with real love?

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009!
HandWritten on; 9:41 PM

This is a summary of whole events that happen over the past 5 years. At least in my world. I guess the world changed within these few years. So let's take a moment to look back in time.

When I was 19,

Combo 1 at Long John Silver's was only $3.60!

When I was 19,

SMU appears to be a fun and cool school (at least to me)

When I was 19,

A small laptop was 17 inch and 5 kg

When I was 19,

Arsenal was Unbeat-able

When I was 19,

Greece is the best team in Europe

When I was 19,

Friendster tells you how many friends you have.

When I was 19,

What Facebook? Is there a Bodybook?

When I was 19,

I should have started youtube

When I was 19,

There's no Wikipedia to answer all your questions

When I was 19,

Criminals' sentence is life imprisonment, they don't need to stay in prison for 150 years

When I was 19,

Everyone wants to work in a bank. Now they ask where's the bank?

When I was 19,

The we heard of the collapse of Enron and WorldCom. Collapse of Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, AIG, CitiGroup, Wall Street? No!

When I was 19,

George Bush was elected to be the President of America again!

The world has really changed in the past 5 years and it would continue to change. What is the next big thing?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009!
HandWritten on; 7:57 AM

When was the last time during school term that at 10+pm I had nothing to do? Well, probably have to stretch back all the way till my first year in SMU perhaps. Well, really felt that I have completed alot this week already though its on Tuesday so decided to chill for the next hour before sleeping.

Man, its week 11 of the SMU school calender and week 12 of this new year. 3 months have just flew past. This year's been wonderful so far but somehow always feel that more could have been done. Thank God that life is a preparation to eternity and there's so much for me to learn and prepare so that in eternity I'm a better person than I am now. Hmmm.... complicated. Perhaps thats how people write when they have nothing to do.....

Hmmm.... not sure what to write. Very seldom that I write with nothing to write in my mind. Maybe I come up with a wishlist:

1) Greater Self-discipline
2) Being a better conduit of love into my family
3) More influence over people around me
4) Spiritual Maturity

Alright time to say goodnight to the world...

Friday, February 27, 2009!
HandWritten on; 4:46 AM

Long time sinced I last blog. Why? Yes you guessed it. The most common and forever right reason. BUSY. Well just couldn't get myself down to blogging. So many things I wanted to blog. Like how the government could abolish ERP and yet have smooth roads, the true meaning in life...... Well I guess I'll save those to another time. Here's some thoughts:

Guess as you get older, you go to visit the hospital more often and also see more of your loved ones passing on. That makes you realise that life is fragile and unpredictable. Like someone said, Change is the Only Constant in Life. You never know what will happen to anyone next.

Over the chinese new year, I got to visit my granduncle, which was diagnosed with the Kennedy's Disease (the same disease as Chew Chow Meng) Though the disease was incurable, it is not life threatening. That visit was like few weeks back and I could clearly remember the words that he said to us. But yesterday I was shocked to hear from my mum that he has passed on.

Life is short. In fact, life is just about a moment compared to eternity. Many say that life is a classroom where you learn and prepare for eternity. Life is precious, life is fragile. I thought of some keys we can hold on to live life to the fullest.

1) Live your Dream
I always say that live your life by living your dream. Was reading a book by Mr Peter Tan, a successful Singaporean entrepreneur, he said that " Fulfill your dreams while you are yet young." Would you rather start fulfilling your dreams now or allow your dreams to continue to remain as dreams when you are in old age? Life's fragile and unpredictable. Live your dream while you can still do it.

2) Take good care of yourself
Health is probably the most precious asset that you have. By taking good care of yourself you are preserving your life. Though life is unpredictable, you can cut down the odds against yourself by taking good care of yourself to improve your physical condition. Take good care of yourself by controlling the things you eat and having regular exercise. Besides preserving life, it also makes financially sense to take good care of yourself. As I have found out myself, even simple things like brushing your teeth properly or taking regular meals could save you a big sum of medical bills.

3) Treasure the people around you
Friends, parents, relatives and even enemies, people you meet, does not come into your life just by chance. They are supposed to make you a better person. Treasure and tell the people around you how much you appreciate them while you still can. Well, imperfections of people does exist thats why we might find it harder for us to love some people than others. For example, its not that easy to love and obey the instructions of a mum that contantly nags at you or love your neighbour that keeps stepping on your toe. Well, I tell myself that there's not too much chance left for me to obey my parents already. Let me just do it for them. :) I will give without expecting reward. Perhaps through the things I do for them they might be touched by my love and be changed.

These are some thoughts that came to my mind when I heard of my granduncle's death. Though I am not that close to him, there will always be a place in my heart for him.